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Changes regarding the contribution for labour accidents insurance and the value of the meal tickets and nursery tickets

de | May 17, 2013

In accordance with the Decision no. 225/2013, published in the Official Gazette no. 275/16.05.2013, the risk tariffs required for determining the contribution for labour accidents insurance are changing, effective June 1st, 2013.

The risk tariffs, established based on the activity developed by the company (per CAEN code) are listed at the appendix 2 from the Decision no. 225/2013, modifying the appendix 4 at the Methodological Norms for the contribution’s computation.

The nominal value of the meal tickets and nursery tickets increases for the first semester of 2013 year, starting with the month of May 2013, as per the provisions of the Orders no. 882 and 883/2013 published in the Official Gazette no. 276/16.05.2013.

The nominal value of the meal ticket will increase form RON 9 to RON 9.35 and the nominal value of the nursery ticket will increase from RON 400 to RON 420.

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