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Double Tree by Hilton Oradea selects the Human Resources Planning solution, for payroll and personnel administration processes management

de | August 31, 2012

Romanian Software has been selected as human resources management software provider by Double Tree by Hilton Oradea following a selection process supervised and approved by the regional branch in Austria of the Double Tree by Hilton concern.
Following the selection process, the Human Resource Planning system was considered one of the best on the market, its main advantage consisting of the documents’ issuance procedure, according to a templates defined standard, this feature being aligned with the requirements of Double Tree by Hilton concern to have a certain standardization degree and high quality level of the internal processes and organization’s documents.
The implementation was successfully finalized, the support and maintenance services assuring the system stability, the conformity with the labour legislation and the adaptability to internal changes of the organization.

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Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent

  • Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
  • Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
  • Administrare de personal
  • Rapoarte si statistici HR
  • Dosarul electronic al angajatului
  • Recrutare angajati si management personal
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