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Guard One selects the payroll calculation component “Sal-Your Payroll Expert” of the integrated solution for human resources management Human Resources Planning

de | November 30, 2012

Guard One choose the payroll computation solution ”Sal-Your Payroll Expert”, component of the integrated solution of human resources management Human Resources Planning.

Guard One is a company authorized to develop guard and safety specialized services, alert systems installation, monitoring and intervention. The company has 2000 employees, its activities being organized based on objectives, with uneven repartition of the work schedule, being needed complex configurations and validations of the application.

The implementation process was performed in record time. The length of the analysis, configurations, imports and tests, up to the live start of the payroll process was under 3 weeks, Guard One benefiting of the support and consultancy services starting with the month of December.

Guard One selects the software solutions developed by Romanian Software, joining other guard and safety services providers like Scorseze, Dragon Star, Alistar Security, Davi Comfire. From the same sector G4S, international security services leader selected the payroll and personnel administration outsourcing services provided by Romanian Software.

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Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent

  • Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
  • Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
  • Administrare de personal
  • Rapoarte si statistici HR
  • Dosarul electronic al angajatului
  • Recrutare angajati si management personal
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