Libra Internet Bank extends the collaboration with Romanian Software
After the integration of Time Management component with the payroll calculation component in the autumn of 2012, Libra Internet Bank, beneficiary for over 5 years of the Romanian Software applications, required the integration of the Personnel Management component with the rest of applications, at this time the bank using the entire platform Human Resources Planning.
Libra Internet Bank request, among a series of customizations of the Human Resources Planning components, as well as the integration with other applications, confirms once again the success of the collaboration and the trust that Libra shows for our complex and customizable solutions and for the services provided.
Personnel Management Component of Human Resources Planning has a new design, as well a series of new features, allows personnel data and documents tracking, being easy to configure, with unlimited data collection possibilities.
Personnel Management was integrated with Libra Internet Bank’s recruitment application, this way being allowed the transfer of the candidates from the recruitment application in Personnel Management, at the moment of employment. The transfer eliminates double recording and time redundancy.
Additionally, there were developed evaluation and training modules, storing basic information regarding these processes, with the purpose to integrate the data with the Human Resources Planning platform. Personnel related data, centralizing such information offering the beneficiary the possibility to interrogate a complete database, streamlining the HR processes, by optimizing the access time to the necessary information and by extensive reporting possibilities.
This way, Personnel Management allows defining the organizational chart, specifying the backup and succession person for each position, storage and view of basic and additional personnel information, contractual data with modification history tracking, tests and details regarding the previous experience taken over from the recruiting application, holiday situation, but also details regarding medical checks, the results of the evaluation process, as well as details regarding professional experience.
Personnel Management allows the configuration in the dashboard of a series of notifications, meant to inform the user regarding the important terms in carrying on the HR processes (medical checks, expiring date for contracts concluded for determined period of time, probation period expiring, suspension termination, ID and authorizations’ validity, etc.)
In Personnel Management is allowed the electronic evidence of the scanned personnel files. The application allows the generation of preconfigured personnel documents (labour contracts, addenda, termination decisions, salary certificates, etc.), based on data stored in the application. At the document issuance, the document automatically receives a QR code, based on which the signed document is transferred from the scanner directly in the database, as signed version.
In order to shorten the time to populate the database with existent documents, Libra Internet Bank requested the personnel document scanning service and indexed upload of the documents in the database.
For details regarding the Personnel Management application, Human Resources Planning integrated solution and how can we meet your needs, please address your requests to Mihai Găvan, Sales Manager at Romanian Software, at the e-mail address mihai.gavan@romaniansoftware.ro
Descopera colorful.hr
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal