Making waves together at Swimathon!
Saturday, 6 July 2013, 11.00 hours, External Olympic Pool Lia Manoliu
We are looking forward to meet you at Lia Manoliu Pool to make waves together with Romanian Software swimming team, aiming to offer a chance for education to 162 children that are under the care of Romanian Children’s Relief Fundatia Inocenți. You can come together with your partner, family and friends and we will have the chance to know each other better in an informal meet up.
If you will not be able support us at Lia Manoliu, you can contribute as Romanian Software’s team supporter on Swimathon website or directly donate to Fundația Inocenți (contact Constanța Bratu, tel. 0722.89.39.69)
Thank you and looking forward to see you!
Descopera colorful.hr
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal