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Romanian Software is launching

de | November 14, 2012

Romanian Software is preparing to launch the newest product, meeting the mobility need of the Time Management (Human Resources Planning component) users. The application transposes the main functionalities of the time management component on smartphones.

The solutions’ beneficiaries are able to submit vacation requests in the system, to approve the requests or visualize the situation of the worked time at the level of a department for which they have access rights in real time. The frequent trips will not be an inconvenient for the effective communication within the company.

By Mobile Solutions Division, Romanian Software will continue to offer to its business sector customers versions of the own solutions adapted for smartphones, preparing at the same time other surprise products for the mobile devices markets in Romania and international markets. will be available for start in Apple Store and Google Play, and after that versions for Blackberry and Windows Phone will be available.

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Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent

  • Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
  • Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
  • Administrare de personal
  • Rapoarte si statistici HR
  • Dosarul electronic al angajatului
  • Recrutare angajati si management personal
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