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Rotary Group selects the application „Sal – Your Payroll Expert”

de | February 28, 2013

In order to increase the efficiency of the payroll process, Rotary Construcții group of companies purchased the license for using the payroll processing component “Sal – Your Payroll Expert” of the integrated solution Human Resources Planning.

Rotary Construcții runs construction works of magnitude, complex rehabilitation and restoration on the Romanian market of over 20 years, offers consultancy in construction field, being the market leader in civil engineering, urban public works, having almost 1000 qualified workers and consultants.

Rotary Costrucții chose the licensing version for payroll processing application use. Romanian Software meet small and medium sized enterprises’ needs by offering an accessible solution as an alternative to the possibility of license purchasing for the components of the integrated solution Human Resources Planning – the applications lease in SaaS regime (Software as a Service).

Using in SaaS regime the components of the human resources management Human Resources Planning allows the access to applications with no need to maintain them, with no additional investment in hardware and personnel, the database access from the Romanian Software servers ensures a high level of data security.

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Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent

  • Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
  • Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
  • Administrare de personal
  • Rapoarte si statistici HR
  • Dosarul electronic al angajatului
  • Recrutare angajati si management personal
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